At first, the scriptures were not written, and early believers narrated ideas before the invention of writing. Early Hebrews told many stories, many of which were recorded in the Bible. The fathers told the children their stories and the news of their ancestors. Abraham himself told his children about his emigration from Ur in south eastern Iraq and his call to the one God, after which his sons Isaac and Jacob continued this tradition, and after immigration to Egypt they continued the tradition of narrating the heritage of the children. The Jewish religious stories, which Christianity later quoted, differ from the story of creation of the Babylonian stories of the "Enomalish story" , which talked about the creation of the gods of the world, there have been multiple gods fighting against each other, and then the god Marduk has taken control over those gods, and it became the highest God, while Christian Thought talks about one God. Stories were a way of preserving the heritage of peoples, and later became a profession practiced in public in religious meetings and celebrations. The oral tradition continued for a number of centuries and subsequent stories were added to it. Some parts were recorded at the beginning and the book was completed later in the first century AD. Some ancient Babylonian stories talked of King Gilgamesh, whose mother was a goddess and his father, a human, who was looking for immortality after the death of his friend Ankidu. On his journey to search for immortality, a person named Otnabeshtm was able to reach immortality through herbs growing in Dilmun, Bahrain today. Otnabeshtm told a story about Gods punishing Man with the flood. The idea may have entered the myth by an event happened in past. then Gilgamesh traveled to Bahrain and found the magical grass and eaten the magical herbs that gave him the immortality. Some have tried to link the search for magical herbs with the tree of life in Christianity, but Christian interpretations differ. Proverbs chapter 3 says, Blessed is the man who finds wisdom and gain understanding etc..... It is a tree of life for its believers, and the bible teaches about eternal life as a result of the following of teaching, it says in Proverbs 11: 30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life , and in Revelation 22: 2 In the midst of its street and of the river, from here and from there, was a tree of life producing twelve fruits: according to one month each yielding its fruit. And the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations. Rev 22: 14 Blessed are the ones doing His commands, that their authority will be over the Tree of Life, (rewarded by eternal life ) and by the gates they may enter into the city (metaphor about the faith of resurrection). The verses refer to the church where it mentions the tree of life, which contains twelve fruit, that is, the disciples, and its paper for the healing of the nations, ie, the teachings that were written at the time. Hebrew writing system evolved from hieroglyphics to Phoenician then Hebrew. All the books of the Old Testament have been written in Hebrew and there are little differences between the texts for thousands of years because the element of religion helped to keep the language understandable and common among people. For example, in Genesis chapter 14 it is mentioned that Abraham walked up to Dan, one of the descendants of Abraham after a number of centuries. Modern versions have replaced the old name of Leshim by the modern name Dan. Placements The ancient and modern names are mentioned in Genesis 23 and Sarah died in the village of Arba which is Hebron in the land of Canaan. Historical order of Bible writings Moses gave his people hundreds of laws, the first of which was carved on stone, in addition there is the oral tradition. The oral tradition was compiled around 200 AD in what is known as the Mishnah. In about 1000 BC, King David probably wrote down the parts that were inspired at that time. According to what Christian doctrine may consider. The Psalms were written over a thousand years from 1489 - 1404 BC, where the 90th Psalm is attributed to Moses, where he begins by saying a prayer to Moses, the man of God, followed by David and other religious prayers, and until the construction of the Second Temple around 515 BC, Psalms 146-150, and became Part of individual and collective worship in Judaism and Christianity. After the Babylonian diaspora 597 - 586 BC The Bible books were assembled again after the invasion of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple and the sanctuaries in the second Babylonian diaspora. There are some lost Books in the Bible In addition to 39 books in the Old Testament, some other writings have been mentioned and may be from 6 to 23 other books, but lost. There are quotations from them, covering the ancient history of Israel. Bible Translations After the return of the Jewish people from exile, They used the Aramaic language, which was prevalent in the places where he was exiled. There was a need to translate books. Since religious writings were written in Hebrew, one of the Semitic languages, there was a need for another translation, called Targum. So many translations were found in the Christian era. After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, the Holy Land, now Israel and Palestine, came under the rule of Ptolemy I, and Ptolemy II 285 BC the work of the Library of Alexandria, and in his time a number of Jews emigrated from Israel and lived in communities speaking Greek and over time there were a need to translate the Scriptures into Greek, and this was the first translation of the Septuagint. In the second century AD, new Greek translations of Jewish scholars such as Aquila, Simajos, and Theodoton emerged. The Old Testament is divided into two types of divisions: first the Jewish division of three parts: the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings, and then the modern Protestant division and divides it into history, poetry, prophets. The Writings of the Apocrypha It is a collection of writings that are not recognized by believers, the word apocrypha, meaning hidden, written between 300 BC and 400 AD . The Council of Cartagena has met 397 AD to determine the recognized Scriptures. New Testament The events and teachings of Christianity were transmitted orally, and during the 30 years following the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christian books recognized by the contemporaries of Christ were written. It is believed that the Gospel of Mark is the first of the gospels, followed by Matthew, Luke, and then John. In the second century AD, the writings of St. Paul the Apostle, sent to different churches, were compiled and distributed to all churches. Letters were the method used to spread the teachings of the time. Universal Letters (The Catholicon) The universal letters were written from 40-95 AD. Rejected Gnostic writings The word Gnosticism means knowledge. It’s a teaching which used to say that people were saved with a secret knowledge of spiritual matters, not by believing in the work of salvation of Christ. Some people were born with this knowledge, some with the ability to perceive knowledge, while others were unable to perceive knowledge. Gnosticism contained a mixture of ideas from many Jewish, Christian religions, Greek philosophies, mythology and the religions of Egypt and the Arabian Gulf. Gnosticism believed that Jehovah was a god less than another and that all what he created was evil, as it said that Christ was a spiritual being and was not crucified and did not die. The Gnostics lived in two contradictory situations, first asceticism because they believed that the world was evil and secondly a state of moral decay where they believed that the world could not affect their lives. There are many Gnostic writings attributed to Adam, Peter, Jacob, and John. Gospels attributed to Christ, such as the Gospel of the Truth, the Gospel of Philip, the Gospel of the Egyptians. It also contains some ancient Egyptian legends. The first Christian manuscripts There are 870 manuscripts dating from the first century of Christianity containing various Christian writings. Full copies of the Bible date back to the fourth century AD, the Vatican and Sinai versions, likely written in about 350 AD. The Hexapla is a translation of the Bible in 245 AD, contains a collection of study notes and contains 6500 pages, written by Origen and contains 6 columns containing the Hebrew text of the Bible and then the Greek translations of the Bible. Remains of the work are only some of the fractions. Copies and translations of parts were later made, and disappeared in the 7th century during the Arab conquest of the region. Some early heretical writings The first list of writings attempting to belong to Christianity was known in the second century is the list of Markion in 140 AD. Markion was a heretic, where he rewrote the Epistles of St. Paul to match his teachings, where he said the existence of an evil god who created nature, then Christ came a pure spirit In the form of mortals sent by a higher God. Markion died in 160 AD. A Syrian named Tatian followed in 170 AD, writing a book called “coordinating the four”, "Diatestron", and Tatian was declared heretical in the fourth century AD. In the second century, a pagan priest called Montanus, who was living in Phyrgea, claimed to have received a message from God and recorded his prophecies and claimed that the heavenly Jerusalem would descend in Turkey, and his movement continued for centuries. The Gospel of Thomas , Heretical text, speaks of the childhood of Christ and where he is portrayed as a child capable of performing miracles and using his supernatural powers for revenge, and later learning righteousness. The writings of the vision of Peter about the end of time. The reaction of Christians to heretical writings In the early 3rd century Origen made a list of the writings used at the time similar to what is currently used in Christian writings, and then made a second list that is not sure who wrote it and contains the letters of the Hebrews, James, Peter II, John the second, third, and Jude, and then a third list of unrecognized writings Like the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of the Egyptians, the Gospel of Matthias. Diocletian ordered the burning of Christian writings from 303-306 AD, until Constantine issued a decree of religious tolerance in 313 AD and converted Christianity to a recognized religion. He ordered the copying of 50 holy books. It was St. Eusebius who took the order from the emperor and was the pupil of Pamphilius, the pupil of Origen, who took the list of Origen and made copies. The two versions of the bible, which date from the same period, are the Vatican and the Sinai. St. Athanasius In a speech to the churches in 367, St. Athanasius identified the 27 books of the day, which were recognized at the Council of Carthage in 397 AD, the Council of Hippo 393, and the Council of Carthage II 419 AD. Between 500 and 1000 AD, a group of professors of Hebrew heritage called the Masorites, in the sense of the standard, prepared an accurate version of the Old Testament. Bible and Natural Sciences The Bible is a book of doctrine. It contains Christian doctrinal and philosophical thought. It is not a book in physics or biological sciences. Research in natural sciences has a different nature, while the thought about the Creator, angels and Satan cannot be proven by a laboratory sample. The Holy Bible in Coptic In early Christian times the writing used in Egypt was a simplified form of hieroglyphics called demotic, then Greek was added to it as the Coptic alphabet. This alphabet was used in the five Coptic dialects, and the Old Testament was translated around 200 AD into the southern dialect, (Sahedic from Arabic sa’ad which means going up because suddern Egypt is higher in altitude than north, then To the northern dialect , bohairic from Arabic bahr which means sea because northern Egypt is in the Mediterranean sea area.

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